Author - Vancskó Mihály

Construction Begins

Ground works have started on our client's (Fundatio Tertio Millennio)...

White Star Hungary renew lease at MOMentum Offices

We are pleased to announce that White Star Hungary has...

REM Group project update: Construction to start!

We are pleased to announce that our client Fundatio Tertio...

The impending tragedy of public spaces

Is the Use of Public Space, Roads, and Parks Free...

The impact of freeriding on social responsibility institutions

Free Riders and Solidarity The term “free riding” refers to the...

REM Group project update: Site now cleared for building!

Tertio Millennio, a Residential College and Study Center for High...

Social Costs of Traffic Jams

In the 21st century, the general mobility (transportation, logistics, etc.)...

Renewable Energy

Competitive Energy Supply, ESG Complexity, Interest and Credit Cycles, Valuation...

REM Group Facilitates CBD Budapest Acquisition

We're happy to announce REM Group's role in facilitating the...

The green space index, or what’s the point of spending on lawns in an industrial park?

The protection of agricultural land and soil is of strategic...