01. 09 .2021
Etele Plaza Cinema
REM Group has completed a quality assurance and project management mandate in the Cinext multiplex cinema located in Etele Plaza, Budapest. The 14-screen multiplex cinema complex has been constructed in the Etele Plaza development and is the most leading-edge multiplex cinema in Hungary. The Etele Plaza retail development opened its doors during September 2021 and has very quickly become a hub of retail and leisure activity. The Etele Plaza development is being undertaken by Futureal Group who are a leading developer and investor based in Hungary with operations across Europe and Northern America.
REM was mandated to provide quality assurance and project management support which started early 2020 during the first covid lockdown and continued to the completion of the project. The construction of the multiplex continued despite disruption due to the covid pandemic and this is a testament to the project team established by REM and the cooperation with the General Contractor of the development.
Mr Józséf Takács who is heading this project commented that REM has utilized previous experience gained in construction of cinema multiplexes to optimize the design to get the project delivered on time and budget. He further commented that the design and construction of such multiplex cinemas is very complex and is equivalent to constructing a building within a building, as a result REM has acquired the most up to date specialist knowledge in this niche sector. He further commentated that it is a pleasure to be involved in such a project knowing that so many people will enjoy a unique movie theater experience in the future.